Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0335

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Repeat Pattern.


Name:v2 Repeat Pattern
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0335 ( Repeat Pattern)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

  • This value set is the designated 'entire code system' value set for v2 Repeat Pattern

Repeat Pattern

CodeDescriptionNederlands (Dutch)CommentVersion
A Ante (before)Ante (vóór)added v2.4
BID twice a day at institution-specified timestwee maal per dag op vastgestelde tijden(e.g. 9AM-4PM)added v2.4
C service is provided continuously between start time and stop timeservice wordt continu geleverd tussen starttijd en stoptijdadded v2.4
D Cibus Diurnus (lunch)Cibus Diurnus (lunch)added v2.4
I InterInter(e.g. between this meal and the next, between dinner and sleepadded v2.4
M Cibus Matutinus (breakfast)Cibus Matutinus (ontbijt)added v2.4
Meal Related Timings <timing>C ("cum")<meal><timing>C ("cum")<maaltijd>added v2.4
Once one time only.eenmalig.This is also the default when this component is null.added v2.4
P Post (after)Post (na)added v2.4
PRN given as neededzo nodigadded v2.4
PRNxxx where xxx is some frequency codewaarbij xxx een of andere frequentiecode is(e.g. PRNQ6H); given as needed over the frequency period.added v2.4
Q<integer>D every <integer> dayselke <integer> dagenadded v2.4
Q<integer>H every <integer> hourselke <integer> uuradded v2.4
Q<integer>J<day#> repeats on a particular day of the week,herhaalt op een bepaalde dag in de week.From the French jour (day). If <integer> is missing, the repeat rate is assumed to be 1. Day numbers are counted from 1=Monday to 7=Sunday. So Q2J2 means every second Tuesday; Q1J6 means every Saturday.added v2.4
Q<integer>L every <integer> months (Lunar cycle)elke <integer> maanden (maancyclus)added v2.4
Q<integer>M every <integer> minuteselke <integer> minutenadded v2.4
Q<integer>S every <integer> secondselke <integer> secondenadded v2.4
Q<integer>W every <integer> weekselke <integer> wekenadded v2.4
QAM in the morning at institution-specified timein de morgen op vastgestelde tijdadded v2.4
QHS every day before the hour of sleepelke dag voor het slapen gaanadded v2.4
QID four times a day at institution-specified timesvier maal per dag op vastgestelde tijden(e.g. 9AM-11AM-4PM-9PM)added v2.4
QOD every other dayom de dag(same as Q2D)added v2.4
QPM in the evening at institution-specified timein de avond op vastgestelde tijdenadded v2.4
QSHIFT during each of three eight-hour shifts at institution-specified timestijdens elke van de drie achtuursdiensten op vastgestelde tijdenadded v2.4
TID three times a day at institution-specified timesdrie maal per dag op vastgestelde tijden(e.g. 9AM-4PM-9PM)added v2.4
U <spec> for future use, where <spec> is an interval specification as defined by the UNIX cron specification.voor toekomstig gebruik, waarbij <spec> een intervalspecificatie is zoals gedefinieerd door de UNIX cron specificatie.added v2.4
V Cibus Vespertinus (dinner)Cibus Vespertinus (avondeten)added v2.4
xID "X" times per day at institution-specified times, where X is a numeral 5 or greater."X" maal per dag op vastgestelde tijden waarbij X een getal van 5 of hoger is.(e.g. 5ID=five times per day; 8ID=8 times per day)added v2.4